Sardar fills forms

One great day in Bombay, a couple were on a honeymoon
tour. They saw one sardarji in front of a hospital
(Breach Candy) was trying to fill some form. So the
couple enquired eagerly "What are you doing ?"
Sardarji replied that I
had a baby and I am filling the birth certificate form.
The couple as per
schedule, took the Bombay to Delhi Flight for their next
destination. On the next day, they find the same
Sardarji, in front of Lal Qilla in Delhi filling the
same   form.
So once again young couple
curiously asked - "What are you doing here ?"
Sardarji once again replied I had a baby and I
am filling the birth certificate form.
The couple said but
sardarji yesterday you were in Bombay filling the same
form, how come you're in Delhi?
Sardarji cooly replied
It is written here - "FILL IN CAPITALS"